How We Work

Project Restore Us, Inc. supports the food security of low-income and disadvantaged communities by providing affordable food in areas with low availability, by launching new distribution models with on the ground community partners and by providing access to the wholesale food supply chain.

Our Approach


Collect Funds

Our operations are funded by grants and individual or company donations.


Develop Programs with Community Partners

We establish relationships with organizations, institutions, local-small business and other community stakeholders to ensure that our solutions are oriented to the people we serve. A sense of agency for our communities is of utmost importance.


Distribute Food

We do this in a few ways:

  • community dinners at local youth centers

  • stocking food pantries that feature our novel model for providing a layer of agency for communities to elect what is provided

  • delivery of dry goods to partner food distribution organizations for dissemination through our network


We’re Different from Traditional Food Pantries


Empowering Community

Our model rests upon the foundation of the restaurant supply chain which enables our orders to remain prescriptive and nimble. By ordering this way, we’re able to provide agency for communities to pick and choose how the pantry is stocked.


Efficient & Familiar

Providing groceries is more efficient than prepared meals. Our chefs and food industry experts work with a community youth council to design selections to be nutritious, long-lasting, and culturally appropriate. Families get to cook food how they want.


Cultural Relevancy

We have seen a stark rise in migration to the United States. Massachusetts has seen large upticks in migrant communities that are lacking resources. As we continue to support these communities, dignity is an important factor in how support is given and received. We strive to maintain dignity through our process and ensure we do so by making communities feel at home through access to common cultural foods.


Our Partners


Community Organizations

We work with community organizations to build lasting, trusted relationships with families impacted by continued food insecurity from the systemic problems rooted in the Covid-19 pandemic. With a coordinated, volunteer-led effort to ensure delivery and seamless communication, our community partners play a vital role in our high delivery success rate.